Review Round-Up

Studio Theatre is thrilled to welcome Casey Jay Andrew’s intimate and expansive piece Oh My Heart, Oh My Home, a hit from the 2023 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. One of the pleasures of programming from the Fringe is the depth of coverage each show receives; here are a few of the show’s stellar reviews.

"Storytelling in its Purest Form" Long Staff Reviews


Every now and again there comes a show that has the power to stop time. Casey Jay Andrew’s latest is one of those. The language is evocative and poetic yet grounded and accessible, guiding us into the familiar world of the story, never once at risk of leaving us behind. Go and immersive yourself in this little bubble of bliss.

"A fairy tale of lights and music" Theatre Weekly


Casey Jay Andrews combines wonder with the everyday by reflecting on the passage of time, the value of memory, and the places that make that past still alive, present in our hearts, through symbols, rituals, and sacred sites that never fade away. 

"A delicate fable about sanctuary, belonging and loneliness" Fringe Review

 It is the kind of show that stays with you for days after seeing it and remembering the vivid visceral imagery makes you want to return to Andrews’ lovely welcoming space to watch and feel it all again.

"Truly touching and deeply human" Entertainment Now


The whole story…makes the audience see the beauty in life, how vast our planet and universe is. It tells us to look for the beauty in everyday life and to look for moments of awe and joy, no matter how dark things may seem. This piece of theatre is so extraordinary, so beautifully told and designed, a great combination of Casey Jay Andrews’ many talents.

"Delicate and Evocative" The Stage


Delicate and evocative, with clever lighting and design that means the doll’s house gradually starts to give up its secrets as rooms are revealed like an advent calendar, Andrews’ storytelling telescopes up and down to show us what is happening at a distance and what is happening close-up. Both down-to-earth and metaphysical, it conjures us as dancing dots in a vast universe and leaves room to piece together the fragments.