For our production of Exception to the Rule, Studio Theatre is partnering with two DC-based organizations who are dedicated to improving the lives of DC students and expanding their opportunities after high school—Black Swan Academy and College Bound, Inc. Learn a bit more about each organization.

Black Swan Academy

Black Swan Academy’s tagline is, “Making the exception…the rule.” BSA empowers Black youth in under-served communities through its Civic Leadership and Engagement programming, which trains youth leaders to identify injustices in their schools and communities and develop youth-led service activities and an annual Black Youth Agenda. During the 2023 budget season, BSA youth advocated for investments in school-based mental health support, clean and functioning facilities, violence interrupters and other safe passage initiatives, and affordable housing.

More information about the Black Swan Academy, including how to get involved or donate.

College Bound

College Bound, Inc prepares DC-area public and public charter students in 8th-12th grades with resources to enter and complete college by providing academic enrichment and resources, including free tutoring, mentoring, ACT/SAT preparation, one-on-one mentoring, as well as academic and career guidance. College Bound serves more than 200 students from 50+ area schools.

More information about College Bound, including how to get involved or donate.